Human-Computer Interaction | Comprehensive coverage of Hypertext/Hypermedia

CSCE 610. Hypertext/Hypermedia Systems. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hrs

Comprehensive coverage of Hypertext/Hypermedia fundamental concepts and definitions fundamental components, architectures and models problems and current solutions design and implementation issues and research issues.


CSCE 624. Sketch Recognition. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hrs

Analysis, implementation, and comparison of sketch recognition algorithms, including feature-based, vision-based, geometrical, timing-based, and path-based recognition algorithms. Means of mixing these recognition means of greater precision, using known AI techniques, will also be examined.

Prerequisite:Graduate classification.

CSCE 630. Speech Processing. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hrs

Speech production and perception (speech apparatus, articulatory/auditory phonetics) mathematical foundations (sampling, filtering, probability, pattern recognition) speech analysis and coding (short-time Fourier analysis, straight line conjecture, cesptrum) speech recognition (dynamic time warping, hidden Markov models, language models) speech synthesis (front-finish, back-finish) speech modification (overlap-add, enhancement, voice conversion).

Prerequisite:ECEN𧈺or equivalent or approval of instructor. Fundamental understanding of signals and systems, straight line algebra, probability and statistics. Programming experience of a higher-level language is needed.

CSCE 634. Intelligent User Interfaces. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hrs

Intersection of artificial intelligence and computer-human interaction: focus on designing and evaluating systems that find out about and adjust to their users, tasks, and environments.

Prerequisite:Graduate classification and approval of instructor.

CSCE 656. Computers and New Media. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hrs

These kinds investigates the possibility and recognized impact of computers in the style of new media, explores the range of relationships between authors and readers of interactive materials, and explores the influence of media design and content expressed.

Human-Computer Interaction | Comprehensive coverage of Hypertext/Hypermedia speech apparatus, articulatory

Prerequisite:Graduate classification.

Human-Computer Interaction | Comprehensive coverage of Hypertext/Hypermedia modeling people who use
CSCE 671. Computer-Human Interaction. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hrs

Comprehensive coverage laptop or computer-human Interaction (CHI) including history, importance, design theories and future direction modeling people who use computers and interfaces, empirical approaches for task analysis and interface design, and designs of interaction.

Prerequisite:Graduate classification.

CSCE 672. Computer Supported Collaborative Work. Credits 3.


Bab 21 – Hypertext, Multimedia dan WWW [Human-Computer Interaction, Alan Dix] [IMK2020]