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Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems: Proceedings from the ninth Worldwide Conference, College of Los Angeles, La, California, USA, 2-7 August 2004
Difference Equations or Discrete Dynamical Systems is really a diverse field which impacts nearly every branch of pure and applied mathematics. Unsurprisingly, the strategy which are developed vary just like broadly. Forget about same with this variety reflected than in the esteemed annual Worldwide Conference on Difference Equations and Applications. Organized underneath the auspices from the Worldwide Society of Difference Equations, the Conferences come with an worldwide attendance along with a wide coverage of topics.
The contributions in the conference collected within this volume invite the mathematical community to determine a number of problems and applications with one component in keeping, the Discrete Dynamical System. Readers might also keep up with the numerous novel techniques and developments within the field.
The special emphasis from the meeting was on mathematical biology and accordingly about 50 % from the content is within the related regions of mathematical ecosystem and mathematical medicine.
Publication Date
World Scientific
biology, mathematics, mathematical models, difference equations, differentiable dynamical systems, congresses, conference papers and proceedings
Mathematics Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Table of Contents
A Discrete-Time Beverton-Holt Competition Model / Azmy S. Ackleh, Youssef M. Dib, Sophia R.-J. Jang — An Engaged Research into the Plant Fiscal Policy / Richard H. Day, Chengyu Yang — A Hybrid Approximation to particular Delay Differential Equation having a Constant Delay / George Seifert — Compulsory Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Two-Dimensional Systems of Difference Equations / Josef Diblik, Irena Ruzickova — Discrete Types of Differential Equations: The Roles of Dynamic Consistency and Positivity / Ronald E. Mickens — Enveloping Implies Global Stability / Paul Cull — Global Asymptotic Stability within the Jia Li Model for Genetically Altered Nasty flying bugs / Robert J. Sacker, Hubertus F. von Bremen — Global Behavior of Solutions of the Nonlinear Second-Order Nonautonomous Difference Equation / Vlajko L. Kocic — Just How Can Three Species Exist together inside a Periodic Chemostat? Mathematical and Statistical Study / Shinji Nakaoka, Yasuhiro Takeuchi — Information-Theoretic Measures of Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials / Jesus Sanchez Dehesa, R. Alvarez-Nodarse, Pablo Sanchez-Moreno, R.J. Yanez — Local Approximation of Invariant Fiber Bundles: An Algorithmic Approach / Christian Potzsche, Martin Rasmussen — Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Oscillation of Coupled Nonlinear Discrete Systems / Serena Matucci, Pavel Rehak — Non-Standard Finite Difference Means of Dissipative Singular Perturbation Problems / Jean M.-S. Lubuma, Kailash C. Patidar — On the Type of Generalized Autoregressive Processes / Kamal C. Chanda — On [figures not reproducible] with Period-Two Coefficients / Carol H. Gibbons, Carol B. Overdeep — Periodically Forced Nonlinear Difference Equations with Delay / Abdul-Aziz Yakubu — Regularity of Difference Equations / Jarmo Hietarinta — Sturdiness in Difference Equations / Jack K. Hale — Solvability from the Discrete LQR-Problem under Minimal Assumptions / Roman Hilscher, Vera Zeidan — Some Discrete Competition Models and also the Principle of Competitive Exclusion / Jim M. Cushing, Sheree LeVarge — Stability under Constantly Acting Perturbations for Difference Equations and Averaging / Vladimir Burd — Symbolic Dynamics in study regarding Bursting Electrical Activity / Jorge Duarte, Jose Sousa Ramos, Luis Silva.
Original Publication Information
World Scientific
Suggested Citation
Allen, L. J. S., Aulbach, B., Elaydi, S., & Sacker, R. (Eds.). (2005). Difference equations and discrete dynamical systems: Proceedings from the ninth Worldwide Conference, College of Los Angeles, La, California, USA, 2-7 August 2004. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific.
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