Abstract and Keywords

Converting and adapting tests to be used in multiple language and cultural groups is becoming hugely vital that you psychologists and mix-cultural researchers. Psychologists desire to use popular tests in one language and culture in other people mix-cultural researchers need tests they are curious about to be shown in multiple languages and cultures and credentialing agencies frequently desire to make their tests obtainable in multiple languages. Regrettably, the methodology for performing translation and adaptation studies is much more comprehensive than is frequently assumed, and lots of myths concerning the process itself exist, and thus very frequently, the operation is handled poorly. Within this chapter, three goals is going to be addressed: (1) some of the popular myths is going to be described, (2) steps for converting and adapting tests will be provided, and (3) the Worldwide Test Commission Guidelines for Test Adaptation is going to be introduced.
Ronald K. Hambleton, School of your practice, College of Massachusetts Amherst
Minji Kang Lee, Psychometric Methods, Educational Statistics, and Research Methods, College of Massachusetts Amherst

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