The System and also the Social System


The main intent of the paper would be to present an artificial look at the system being an integral element of the social system that it performs a number of critical functions and that, consequently, it receives numerous problematic supports or sources. As a result an effort is built to put the health system in the proper perspective, i.e. away from the exclusive center of sociological interest but alongside several complementary and differentiated sub-systems, each one of these performing its very own tasks and always competing for that scarce sources essential for the performance of those tasks. My conceptual plan is ‘structural-functional’ and derives, in the majority, in the insights elaborated by Talcott Parsons and the look at society being an equilibrium-maintaining system, and comprised of meaningfully interrelated sub-systems in a way that alternation in one sub-product is potentially certain to affect other sub-systems and also the system in general.


Health SystemHealth PersonnelSignificant MeaningMedical RolePluralistic System

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Appendix A

Previous Personal Papers

Technology, Medicine and Society: Effectiveness Differentiation and Depersonalization (Cambridge Program on Technology and Society, Harvard 1968), 151 pp. mimeo.).Google Scholar
  • ‘Allied Health Personnel: The Outcome of Technology and Elevated Demand’, in: E. I. Purkis and U. F. Matthews (eds.), Medicine within the College and also the Community for the future: Proceedings from the Scientific Session Marking the Centennial from the Faculty of drugs, Dalhousie College, Dalhousie College, Halifax 1969, pp. 50–52.Google Scholar
  • ‘The Healthcare System of Industrialized Society: The Disappearance from the Doctor and a few Implications’, in: Everett I. Mendelsohn, Judith P. Swazey and Irene Taviss (eds.), Human Facets of Biological Innovation, Harvard College Press, Cambridge 1971, pp. 156–180. Also as: ‘The Medical System and Industrial Society: Structural Changes and Internal Differentiation in American Medicine’, in: Allan Sheldon, Frank Baker and Curt McLaughlin (eds.), Systems and Health Care, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Cambridge 1970, pp. 143–181.Google Scholar
  • ’stability and alter within the Medical System: Medicine within the Industrial Society’, in: Alex Inkeles and Bernard Barber (eds.), Stability and Social Chance, Little-Brown, Boston 1971, pp. 30–60.Google Scholar
  • ‘The Manpower Crisis in American Medicine: Analysis and Suggested Remedy’, American Family Physician 5 (1972) 192–199 (with J. Gershon-Cohen).Google Scholar
  • ‘Health like a ‘Public Utility’ or even the ‘Maintenance of Capacity’ Soviet Society’, presented in the Symposium around the Social Effects of Modernization in Socialist Countries, Salzburg, Austria, 1975 (to become printed inside a book through the Johns Hopkins College Press, 1976).Google Scholar
  • ‘The idea of the ‘Health System’ in the Macrosociological Level’, Social Science and Medicine 7 (October 1973) 763–785.
    The System and also the Social System Irene Taviss
  • ‘Prospects for that Comparative Sociology of drugs: An Attempt at Conceptualization’, in: Margaret S. Archer (erectile dysfunction.), Current Research in Sociology, Extra Volume 1 to Current Sociology, Mouton, The Hague 1974, pp. 147–183.
  • Resourse:

    The System and also the Social System The Healthcare System of Industrialized

    Social Systems